Before next year gets here, I wanted to show some of our projects from our Craft days that we had in December. I love making these cute gnomes from
this video on youtube. My sisters and I added some arms but still no sewing just gluing!! Everything is from the Dollar Tree except the rice and beard fabric. I added some snowflakes to their hats later. Making the nose was the most fun!! Bigger the better for sure!
These snowflakes are made from toilet and towel paper holders. I dipped them in glue and then glitter. The upper right snowflake I painted blue and then dipped in glue and glitter. I have been saving my rolls for just this and I want to make more in the 2018! There are lots of ideas for these on Pinterest but it is fun to do your own design!
We didn't make it to my sister's house this year because of the blizzard here in the Northeast on Christmas Day. We stayed home and had our Christmas with my daughter and son. My son drove from California with his new puppy, Oscar. It was so nice to have them all here under one roof. Oscar was so much fun! He didn't like the cold because we noticed when we took him out that he kept lifting his paws. He is a West Coast native for sure.
Oscar resting |
Oscar playing |
Blizzard outside! |
My husband and I are getting ready for a New Year's Eve dinner/party for friends that we have been celebrating with for 15 plus years. It is our turn for the dinner so here is a picture of the table. I made napkin poinsettas for our guests with a snowflake in the middle. Our menu is lobster stew, seafood casserole, sweet potato casserole and spanakopita (Greek spinach pie), dessert and appetizer to be brought by friends. I know what my resolution will be tomorrow as it is every year - Diet!!!
Happy New Year Everyone!!
More Gnomes in the background |
Napkin Poinsettas |